Daily Archives: November 16, 2018

Beading Bits


Special points of interest:

Þ Meeting: November 18, 2018

Þ Ladder Bracelet by Denise Bush

November is our Board member election. Please consider yourself and other members as potential members to be elected to the Board. We will need to elect a new President this time around.
Denise Bush will be teaching a Ladder Bracelet as well. Please check the supply list on page 2!
Don’t forget about your ornament project!
December will be our Christmas party and potluck. Please bring finger foods! It will also be the ornament exchange.
We will need ideas for programs for the new year. Please think about anything that you would like to try or visit!
Cathy will try to follow up on a quilter that quilts with beads. Also, she will try to get Cindy French to do a program.
Thank you to George Greubel for doing an awesome program last month!

Classes and Supplies

Ladder Bracelet by Denise Bush


4-6mm round beads
6-8mm rondelles (about 8”) (optional)
Gemstone or glass beads (optional, but will work as well)
2’ of 1.5mm leather lace
Thread (nylon—Nymo, Silamide, Fireline)
Button with a shank (leather lace must be able to fit through shank)
Clip board (if you have one)

Instructions will be given at the meeting.

This Month

November brings us a Ladder Bracelet and Board Member Elections.
Remember, anyone is eligible to be a Board member as long as they are a member of the BSSV!
Please remember to bring spare beads for the the bead jars.